To differentiate magic as a form of spiritualism from magic as a form of entertainment, we spell magick with a "K'. Magic with a “C” is a trick or an illusion.
For centuries, the word magic was only spelled one way: magic. But as society grew and changed, the old ways became clouded by new religions, and a quick-paced world little by little left behind the real magic that was a part of life for so long.
The world forgot how to see the real magic that was present in everything around us. The new world order preached practicality, rejecting magic for what it considered a realistic view.
Magic persisted, but it was gradually stripped of all meaning and relegated to a form of entertainment. Today, when most people see the word “magic,” they think of tricks and illusions.
There needed to be a way to differentiate magic as a form of spiritualism from magic as a form of entertainment. After all, one was real, and one was not.
“Magick” and “magic” are two very different things, and the modern movement of occultism and witchcraft made the differentiation possible. Aleister Crowley introduced the modern era to the spelling of the word magick with a “K.”
Using the spelling of magick with a “K” is generally a matter of preference among practitioners of the craft and occultism. Those who do choose the version with the “K” simply do it to distance themselves from the image of a stage magician or entertainer.
Magic with a “C” is a trick or an illusion preformed by a trained and well-studied stage entertainer. The illusions consist of a variety of ways to fool the eye and astound onlookers with everything from small objects like coins and balls to elaborate productions of disappearing acts.
The most commonly known magicians throughout history begin with Houdini, and today include David Copperfield, David Blaine, and Criss Angel. They are masters at fooling the onlooker with amazing feats.
Magick with a “K” is the manipulation of energy forces with the specific intention of manifestation. It sometimes includes prayer and ritualistic ceremonies or formulas of ingredients and steps.
It is a spiritual practice that can include religious beliefs, but this is not necessarily the case. The energy used for magick is all around us.
It is just waiting to be experienced, transformed, and transmuted into a desire that is fulfilling, loving, and pure. It is the essence of life and love and spirit, and the ability to tap into it is real.
This practice is not built on illusion and is a functioning aspect of the daily life of a spiritual worker and occultist. Spiritual workers usually do not want to be connected to illusions, which by their very definition aren't real.
This is essential when it comes to the intent to manifest. You need to have faith in yourself and studied knowledge to make magick work.
This is the only thing that occultists, diviners, voodoo healers, spell casters, traditional healers, spiritual healers and stage magicians have in common.