We are living in challenging times, confronted with the fact that the ways we have been accustomed to living no longer work for us, and the planet.
As we wake up to this, many of us realize we are involved in a difficult, yet fascinating learning process our own personal evolution and the evolution of human consciousness.
We can no longer follow the paths to which we are accustomed. The materialistic approach to life leaves us spiritually empty and emotionally unfulfilled, and is rapidly destroying the earth.
In order to do this, we need to look honestly at ourselves, to recognize the areas of unconsciousness in our lives.
We must learn how to heal the wounded places within us and nurture our own growth and development.
Human life consists of four aspects: the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels of existence.
In order to find balance, wholeness, and fulfillment in our lives, we need to heal, develop, and integrate all four of these aspects within ourselves.
All four of these levels of existence are equally important. In the long run, we can't afford to neglect any of them.
If we want to feel whole and lead healthy, satisfying lives, we need to focus a certain amount of time and attention on healing and developing each aspect.
We are all on an evolutionary journey, but most of us don't realize it until a certain period of awakening, when we begin to realize that life is a school, and we are all involved in the process of growth and learning.